Dec 2017

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate

21 min read

No matter where you call home or what type of photography you pursue, every year’s end inspires relief, anticipation, hope, and – if you’re lucky – a whole lot to celebrate!

For the ShootProof squad, our number one reason to celebrate is, well… YOU.

Our photographers. Because of you, we show up every day to write code, answer phones, write emails, design fun graphics, and craft these blog posts. You are our reason for creating, brainstorming, researching, struggling, striving, and celebrating the end of another wonderful year.

We wish we could raise a toast to each and every one of you by name, but since that would last until next New Year’s Eve, we’ll simply highlight a small selection of our phenomenal photographers: real working creatives from all over, sharing their own reasons for celebrating.

We hope you’re celebrating, too!

Jane Ammon

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“My AMEN hands…”

“I’m celebrating because when I look at my work now, after 10 years of shooting, I see a version of myself. In every person I get to listen to and then make images of, I hear the echos of how their story intersects with mine, and it’s a reason to throw up my AMEN hands and say, ‘This is what I was created to do, and these are the people I get to hear.’ That’s a party in my world.” – JANE AMMON

Open Image Studio

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!
Photo: Monty Soungpradith, OPEN IMAGE STUDIO

“Life happens and forever rushes forward…”

“I celebrate because life happens and forever rushes forward, and in a matter of seconds, a moment has vanished. Photography allows me to stop, observe, and capture these moments before they disappear. I celebrate because I have the opportunity each day to brighten the lives of others, and, through photographs, to hold onto memories that otherwise may be forgotten. To wake up each day and do this job is a goal met, an achievement accomplished, and life fulfilled. To remember that life is indeed a gift is the reason why I celebrate each day!” – MONTY SOUNGPRADITH

Fran Dickenson Photography

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“Less time behind a computer…”

“I’m celebrating because I LOVE my clients! This year, it’s been all about love. I’m finding my ideal clients who are loving their galleries and mobile apps; I am spending more time taking pictures with my clients and less time behind a computer; and I’m able to show them some love by getting their images to them faster than ever. It’s a win-win for everyone!” – FRAN DICKENSON

Nicole Klym Photography

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!


“I’m celebrating because I have already reached my 2018 wedding booking goals!” – NICOLE HOFFMAN

Kate & Kate Photography

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!
Photo: Kate Grabowski & Katelynn Ponomarenko – KATE & KATE PHOTOGRAPHY

“Taking the time to focus…”

“I’m celebrating because we were able to be proactive and say, ‘No!’ to almost all sessions in December. Before our busy season began, we decided that we were going to choose the ‘best yes’ for our families. This meant not scheduling any sessions so that we could catch up on editing and orders without losing our minds. This also meant focusing on our young families and taking the time to focus on the real reason for the season and the magic of Christmas with our young kids.” – KATE GRABOWSKI & KATELYNN PONOMARENKO

Don Evans Photography

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“I finally decided to get serious…”

“I’m celebrating because, while I’ve been shooting part-time professionally for some years, 2017 was the year I finally decided to get serious. I’m quite proud when I look back and see everything I’ve accomplished, from creating a website, to investing in advertising, building a home studio, to building my brand and client base, to transitioning from a home-print shop and partnering with ShootProof to handle my fulfillment. It’s been a great year. I’ve learned a lot, and I’m looking to an even better year in 2018 with a long list of important goals to achieve.” – DON EVANS

Lecinda Ward Photography

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“I get to work with love instead of against it…”

“I’m celebrating because two years ago I was a lawyer who was helping families to separate; and now I get to celebrate love, instead, with the most amazing people who trust me to bottle a piece of their love for them to keep in photographs they will treasure forever. I’m celebrating because now I get to work with love instead of against it, and that makes me feel so grateful I could cry (and do, regularly). This year has been my biggest and best yet. I’ve exceeded every goal I set for myself – and 2018 is going to be even more amazing!” – LECINDA WARD

Photography By Altheia

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“Thank you, ShootProof…!”

“I am celebrating because I will finally take the leap of faith and quit my other job to become a full-time photographer at the end of the year! I can’t wait to have more time with my family and devote much-needed time for my degree in photography. Thank you, ShootProof, for making my life so much easier. I don’t know what I would do without you!!” – ALTHEIA MCCALLUM

Samantha Rambo

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“Healthy and full of joy…”

“I am celebrating because I was blessed with another child. Everything with the pregnancy went well. My baby is healthy and full of joy. It’s been wonderful to fall in love all over again, hear baby laughter, and see those smiles. Time is the greatest thief of all, and I am doing all I can to soak up every fleeting moment.” – SAMANTHA RAMBO

Ana Giusado

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“People who have literally changed my life…”

“I’m celebrating because 2017 has been, by far, my most successful year since I launched my business – but also because I have met some wonderful people who have literally changed my life”. – ANA GIUSADO

Xuana Cesar

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“I stood strong…”

“I’m celebrating because I stood strong throughout the year, serving my clients efficiently while being a full-time mom for the boys.” – XUANA CESAR

Bob McClenahan

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“Artistic and successful…”

“I’m celebrating because I had an incredibly artistic and successful year. Next year looks to be even better!” – BOB MCCLENAHAN

Kevin DeMassio

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“Hitting the five-year milestone…”

“As we look back throughout the year, it is easy to see that 2017 was a huge year for our team. We just finished our biggest year to date, and we were surrounded by some of the coolest couples yet. That in itself is a reason to celebrate, but truly it was hitting the five-year milestone that I am really excited for. Never in my wildest dreams growing up did I ever think that I would be a photographer and lucky enough to own my own successful business. Any entrepreneur knows that it takes not only hard work and dedication, but some serious sacrifice in order to ‘make it.’ So this year, I would like to celebrate hard work, passion, and those around us who continue to believe in us so we can continue capturing and creating.” – KEVIN DEMASSIO

Maxim Sadik

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“I finally gathered the courage…”

“I’m celebrating because after several years of running my wedding photography business and working a full time job, I have finally gathered the courage to quit my full time job!” – MAXIM SADIK

Tonja Pichette

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“I’m becoming…”

“I’m celebrating because I feel like I’m becoming the photographer I always wanted to be.” – TONJA PICHETTE

Meghan Rolfe

Join ShootProof in celebrating the creativity and joy of 30 REAL working photographers, from photography goals met to life dreams accomplished!

“Joy and fulfillment…”

“I’m celebrating because I got to photograph 25 outdoor elopements through my elopement packages, ‘Elope Outdoors.’ Over the years I have found such joy and fulfillment in organizing and photographing elopements for couples coming to the Asheville mountains to elope! I worked on growing this part of my business this year, and it did better than ever. I hope to do even more next year!” – MEGHAN ROLFE

Annie Boudreau

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate

“Deep connection with others and nature…”

“I’m celebrating because life is too short not to. Sounds cliche, but it’s true. There is so much to be grateful for. There are my beautiful teenagers, supportive partner, family friends, and a beautiful planet that gives much opportunity for exploration and adventure. This year is about finding deep connection with others and nature. What a beautiful life!” – ANNIE BOUDREAU

Tack Sharp Studios

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate
Photos: Chandra Venkataramani, TACK SHARP STUDIOS

“Awesome memories…”

“I’m celebrating because I’m able to capture awesome memories for my customers and share it with them on a platform like Shootproof!” – CHANDRA VENKATARAMANI

Elizabeth C. Buergler

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate

“Quadrupled my photography business…”

“I am celebrating because I am living my own dream! This year I quadrupled my photography business and met my goal of having 100 sessions – a goal I laughed at when I wrote it at the beginning of the year! I also get to teach for an online high school and manage a crazy home with three little kids. It’s literally everything I’ve ever wanted: to be a mom, to be a teacher, and to be a photographer!” – ELIZABETH C. BUERGLER

Alison Fopeano

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate

“Successful first year…”

“I’m celebrating because I’ve had a successful first year in business! What started as something very small has grown quickly from dream to reality, and I am so thankful for all of the referrals I’ve received from friends and clients that have allowed my business to grow so much in such a short period of time. It has been so fun the past few weeks to receive holiday cards featuring photos I’ve taken, and I love that I’ve been able to capture these moments for so many families. I can’t wait to see what next year brings my way!” – ALISON FOPEANO

Sue Stirling Photography

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate

“Focus more on the people…”

“I’m celebrating because I am getting closer to my goal of simplifying my style of photography. I am happier to focus more on the people that I am honoring rather than stressing about the elements to include. Simplicity is what I strive for.” – SUE STIRLING

Moon Reflections Photography

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate

“Conquer my fears, push my limits…”

“I’m celebrating because I get to do what I love, help others, conquer my fears, and push my limits. I have the freedom to be with my family, work, and travel. I’m celebrating because parents allow me to nurture the passions of their children, and I’m celebrating change, growth, and the possibilities of 2018. I’m so ready!” – SACRED

Kitty Wheeler Shaw

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrateh2

“I’ve grown creatively…”

“I’m celebrating because, after a very busy and full-on year, I can take a bit of time to relax and look back at what I’ve achieved in the year, how I’ve grown creatively, and realise what an amazing job I have!” – KITTY WHEELER SHAW

Shayna Hardy

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate

“I get to bring joy to families…”

“I’m celebrating because I have found what I love doing! Photography combines many of the things I enjoy – working with people, designing, creating, and marketing. My dad was also an entrepreneur so I always felt in my heart that I would find my way into my own business. It just took me a bit to finally figure out that portrait photography was my final destination. I’m celebrating that I get to bring joy to families and create images for businesses that help them shine. I’m thrilled to continue my work for years to come!” – SHAYNA HARDY

ChiChi Bean Photography

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate
Photo: Michelle Vitiello, CHICHI BEAN PHOTOGRAPHY

“Diapers, dress up, and dry shampoo…”

“I’m celebrating the birth of my second child this summer, a boy we named AJ. He and my daughter, Kaia, are two years apart. I have my hands full, to say the least, but in the best way possible. I’m grateful for my little babes, but my professional path has taken a middle seat to diapers, dress up, and dry shampoo. Although, by the looks of my photo gallery on my phone, you’d think I’m working 24/7! I am snapping and editing photos of these two all day long as I just can’t get enough. It’s just in me to photograph! Kaia was my inspiration for starting Chi Chi Bean Photography (It’s been her nickname since the day she was born!) I left my previous career and the hustle & bustle of NYC to raise her and now her brother. This role I’ve chosen, as a mother, has been a true muse for me in many realms, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for my little family and my blossoming photo business.” – MICHELLE VITIELLO

S&L Photography

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate
Photos: Laurie Smoker, S&L PHOTOGRAPHY

“I’ve grown so much…”

“I’m celebrating because I just completed my first full year in business in a new location, half-way across the country from where I started. I had the opportunity to work with several talented wedding photographers, shoot at beautiful venues and locations, and photograph some amazing couples and families. It’s been a learning experience for sure, but I’ve grown so much this year as a photographer and business owner, and I just cannot wait to make 2018 even better!” – LAURIE SMOKER

Chris Hutcheson

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate

“Leaving some genres behind…”

“I’m celebrating because this has been a very interesting year in terms of my photography: leaving some genres behind, returning to others, and working with some extremely talented and supportive performers. ShootProof has helped by getting the images out there and facilitating sales.” – CHRIS HUTCHESON

Sarah Kelly Photography

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate

“I am learning how to foster growth…”

“I am celebrating because I have become part of a community. A year and I half ago I left upstate New York and relocated to Dallas, TX, where I didn’t know a single person. My network was small, and I was struggling to get bookings, all while adjusting to life in a new city. I found that sharing my session images on ShootProof was a huge help to my business, because I didn’t have to ask to be tagged in images on social media. Instead, my clients were excited to share the full session online through ShootProof, and friends and family were excited about how professional everything looked. Plus, my contact information was readily available for them right on the site! I am learning how to foster growth in my business through this community, and I couldn’t feel more inspired!” – SARAH KELLY

Dr. Z Photography

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate
Photo: Z. Kermani, DR. Z PHOTOGRAPHY

“A new studio…!”

“I’m celebrating because I moved into a new studio this year and am learning a new editing style that I love!” – Z. KERMANI

Bren Photography

30 Photographers With Cheers-Worthy Reasons To Celebrate

“Preserving magic in the oh2dinary moments…”

“I’m celebrating because I am capable of preserving magic in the ordinary moments of everyday. I celebrate every year because my life’s work cultivates peace in my soul by focusing my attention on the meaning and value of each fleeting moment.” – BREN DENDY

Why are YOU celebrating?

Tell us in the comments!

Meet more rad photographers…


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    Anne is chronically curious. She loves al fresco dining, anthology podcasts, and getting tattooed when she travels. When her dog disappeared in 2022, she built a social media campaign to help find her; Anne got her back 101 days and 18k Instagram followers later!

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