Dude, Where’s My Brand? Crafting Personal Branding Portraits for Men

Despite what the Pinterest search results for “personal branding portraits” might make you think, personal branding photography is not exclusively reserved for women in business.
Professionals of all gender identities and expressions need personal branding portraits, yet finding inspiration and guidance for men who want to be the face of their brand is tough. Let’s talk about how you can better serve the fellas who come to you for personal branding photography.

Start the Creative Conversation
Often, when men come to me for personal branding portraits, it is because they do not want to feel trapped within some pre-supposed idea of what they SHOULD look like in their photos.
Men seem to often feel boxed in by pressure to look tough and serious in their suits and ties, even if that doesn’t fit their brand identity. Giving guys the creative space to say “Hey, I want to look like ME, not some stereotypical version of what society thinks I should look like based on my gender and job title” is truly a gift they’ll certainly appreciate.
During your client onboarding, ask them questions such as “If money, time, and the laws of physics were no object, describe your dream photoshoot. Go nuts!” Unsurprisingly, the answer to that question is never, “I want to have my arms folded while I force a smile wearing a button-up shirt on a white background.”
Take their answer and figure out what parts of it you can turn into a reality without defying the laws of physics.

Wardrobe Styling is HUGE
Choosing what outfits to wear for a personal branding photoshoot is just as stressful for men as it is for anyone else. It may even be MORE stressful because men are often not encouraged to express themselves through fashion and they often feel lost when it comes to choosing the right combination of clothes to represent their brand.
Partnering with a professional stylist is a game changer when it comes to personal branding portraits. All of my clients who have opted to add wardrobe styling to their sessions report that the stylist boosted their confidence or flat-out changed their entire sense of style for the better!

For Posing – Give Them Something to Do
This tends to work with everyone I photograph, but especially for the men: instead of putting them into technically correct poses, just give them a task to perform.
Let them forget about the camera for a few seconds while they work on that task. Remind them “You don’t have to look at the camera the whole time but feel free to glance my way occasionally.” And then say things while they complete the task to elicit further facial expressions or reactions.
Tell jokes, ask questions about their friends or family, fascinate them with fun facts about penguins – whatever it takes to get them out of their head and into the moment.
Incorporate Their Interests & Quirks
Any well-rounded personal branding photoshoot will include photos that tell the story of your client’s true self. By including photos that show more than just what your client does for work, you’re giving them key visual branding assets that will help them build strong connections with their audience.
Don’t restrict them to just photos of themselves looking handsome – get a little weird, push some boundaries, and focus on images that are memorable and meaningful.

Remember: Masculinity is a Spectrum
There is not a singular experience of what it is to be a man. Some men:
- may not feel comfortable in square-shouldered poses
- may not like their face in Rembrandt lighting
- feel weird about their natural smile
- feel self-conscious about having their photos taken in public
- hate the way they look when photographed from a lower angle
- don’t wear traditionally masculine clothing
- don’t want to look like a men’s fashion model
The most important thing is to treat each client as an individual, with their own insecurities, comfort level, photo goals, and tastes. By doing this, you’ll honor who they are as people and create photos that are totally unique to their brand!
Words and Photos by Jesi Cason Photography