Photo editing services are the fastest fix for busy photographers’ overburdened calendars! So why do we hesitate? Photographer Ginny Corbett and Freedom Edits help us debunk the myths holding photographers back from the most important outsourcing decision they can make!
Photo Editing Services: What are you waiting for?
Maybe you’re still exploring solutions like, “winning the lottery,” or, “installing a second pair of hands.” If you’re still wavering between ridiculous non-remedies and legitimate fixes, we’re here to help you get real, get help, and find a photo editing service that works for you.
Photo by GINNY CORBETT | Photo Editing Services by FREEDOM EDITS
Myth #1: “No one does it like I do it.”
You’re right. They don’t. In fact, someone else might do it better.
If any of the below statements are true, it’s time to reevaluate “the way you do it”:
- I’ve turned down a shoot because I knew I wouldn’t have time to edit it.
- I’ve missed a delivery deadline because my editing workload was too huge.
- I’ve cancelled a social or family commitment so I could edit. There aren’t enough hours in a business day to get it all done!
Welcoming a photo editing services team into your workflow allows you to invest into shooting, marketing, and your own self-care, so your business – and you – can thrive!
Photo by GINNY CORBETT | Photo Editing Services by FREEDOM EDITS
“Why do I outsource my editing? Because I nearly burned out with all the editing, bookkeeping, emails, vendor networking, shooting, backing up images, equipment care, blogging, marketing, social media management… When I finally outsourced my editing, I was freed to work more efficiently where I’m strongest – and freed to do the things I love most! Before my burnout year, I was consumed with photography. Now I feel balanced. I have my identity back!” – GINNY CORBETT
Photo by GINNY CORBETT | Photo Editing Services by FREEDOM EDITS
Myth #2: “Outsourcing is too expensive.”
Consider this: NOT outsourcing is too expensive!
We all need to outsource. Whether you hire a housekeeper, send your kids to childcare, take your dog to the groomers, pay someone to do your taxes, or simply order pizza on occasion, you’re outsourcing something.
Do you outsource because you can’t think of another way to use that money? Of course not! You do it because your time and talents are better used somewhere else.
Calculate the time YOU could be saving with Freedom Edits’ Time Saving Tool!
Photo by GINNY CORBETT | Photo Editing Services by FREEDOM EDITS
CASE STUDY: With the time a wedding photographer saves by outsourcing one wedding to Freedom Edits, she shoots two engagement sessions, and meets a prospective clients who books her, adding three fresh paychecks to her wallet. Now, instead of going back to her desk to edit, she’ll go home to her life.
“Our mission is to empower photographers to build the business of their dreams, spend more time with their families, and just do whatever the heck they want.” – FREEDOM EDITS
Photo by GINNY CORBETT | Photo Editing Services by FREEDOM EDITS
Myth #3: “I’m a failure if I outsource.”
First things first: you are never a failure. And it’s truly a wise businessperson who knows when they need assistance in order to grow and succeed.
Think of your outsourcing partners as employees – stress-free employees to whom you don’t owe a salary or health benefits!
During your slow season, you may still choose to edit your own work. The same is true for new photographers who are only booking a handful of sessions a year. But the moment editing encroaches on other aspects of your life and business, it’s time to look into photo editing services!
Photo by GINNY CORBETT | Photo Editing Services by FREEDOM EDITS
“Sending files has never been easier. Smart previews in Lightroom take minutes to create and once dropped into the uploader, we’ll have it pretty quickly. If you’re not in the mood to wait for it to upload, you can send us a dropbox link with the smart previews and we’ll have them once they’re done syncing. Go do some fun stuff!” – FREEDOM EDITS
Photo by GINNY CORBETT | Photo Editing Services by FREEDOM EDITS
Myth #4: “I need to maintain control of EVERYTHING.”
You’re right. You do. This is your business, and you do need to know what’s happening at all times with every aspect of your work.
That doesn’t mean you need to be the individual doing all the work! Being in control doesn’t mean micro-managing. It simply means staying in touch with what’s going on, and being ready to make necessary changes at a moment’s notice – whatever is needed to support and sustain your business.
Your photo editing services partner should support your editing style, and uphold your brand standards!
Photo by GINNY CORBETT | Photo Editing Services by FREEDOM EDITS
“With past photo editing services, I didn’t know who was editing my images, and my jobs lacked consistency. Freedom Edits assigned me a team of 3 editors so I could personally know my editors. When I first started with Freedom Edits, I Skyped with one of my editors. She watched as I edited my job, then asked me to send 20 images for her to practice on. The next day, I received her edits, and she encouraged me to critique her work because she was adamant that I love the final delivery!” – GINNY CORBETT
Photo by GINNY CORBETT | Photo Editing Services by FREEDOM EDITS
Myth #5: “My clients won’t like it if I outsource.”
This is DEFINITELY a myth! Just like every other business decision you make, it’s all in how you present it to your clients.
You can tell them, “I chose this camera because it was cheaper than that camera,” or you can explain, “I shoot with this camera because it allows me to make beautiful photographs for you.”
You can say, “I print with this lab because their print packages are the cheapest,” or you can reveal, “I print through a professional lab known for excellent color and beautiful paper types!”
You can describe your work as, “Pictures of people,” or you can elaborate, “I make heirloom photographs of moments and memories.”
All of the statements above hold truth; but the second versions contain the true spirit of your decision. Encompassing more than just facts, they define your why.
If you find yourself telling a client about your photo editing services, don’t act as if outsourcing is a shameful secret! Proudly share with them, “I work closely with a professional post-production team to ensure excellent color and contrast in all of your final photographs!”
Photo by GINNY CORBETT | Photo Editing Services by FREEDOM EDITS
“Each Freedom Edits job gets better and better. My lead editor is always asking for my input, and never gets defensive if I have a critique. Their turn-around time is stellar – about 5 days. They also crop, straighten, and apply my personal preset to my images!” – GINNY CORBETT
Photo Editing Services: Make the move!
Mention code SHOOTPROOF50 to your NEW Freedom Edits team, and save $50 off your first order!