Your ShootProof experience is GDPR compliant! EU photographers and those serving EU clients can relax, knowing ShootProof meets GDPR standards.

GDPR: Good Dogs Prancing Rapidly?
If you’re a photographer in the European Union – or a photographer serving EU clients – you’ve probably heard a ton about GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation.
If you haven’t, and you’re just sitting there scratching your head, here’s an overview:
“The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union (EU).” – INVESTOPEDIA
As of May 25, 2018, ShootProof’s systems, processes, and product are in full compliance with the standards put in place by GDPR. ShootProof was bossed around by collaborated closely with a team of GDPR attorneys in the European Union to achieve these new privacy standards.
We present to you, as evidence, our coffee shortage:
DEVASTATION: ShootProof’s Actual Coffee Situation Any Given Friday

GDPR: Granny Drivers Park Ridiculously?
Under the regulations established by GDPR, the first time any of your photography clients are asked to enter personal information (such as an email address) within ShootProof, they will be invited to read ShootProof’s Privacy Policy and provide their consent to have their information stored as described by checking a box.
Here in the U.S., we “check checkboxes with checkmarks.” Our U.K. friends prefer to “tick tickboxes with tickmarks.” Regardless of your preferred terminology, what matters most is that the box gets clicked!
ShootProof’s Terms of Use will also be available for your client’s review.
When you send an email via the ShootProof Gallery interface, the recipient may choose to opt-out of receiving any future email communication from that Gallery. Recipients who opt-out are labeled as unsubscribed within your ShootProof panel and are automatically excluded from future Gallery emails.

GDPR: Greedy Dramatic Pandas Running?
“But I don’t want my clients to see all that stuff.” – You
We know. We get it. Here’s what’s up:
ShootProof uses data in many ways: to track gallery visits, to count digital downloads, to ship print orders from the lab – just to name a few. Therefore, gallery visitors must consent to the policies that outline why and how we’ll collect and use their data.
Now Hiring: NEW Living Post-It Note Holder
“Can’t you just make a version for photographers and a version for clients?” – Also You
We pride ourselves on offering photographers a **white-labeled experience, so we would love to extend that ShootProof invisibility through to this portion of the process. However…
**Only YOUR branding shows up – anywhere and everywhere!
Because GDPR mandates the utmost transparency, we strive to make our policies clear and thorough for all parties who submit personal identification information to ShootProof. The most transparent means of presenting our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use is to make the same documents visible to both you – the photographer – and your clients.
Reference: Actual ShootProof Money
“But… but… WHY?” – You Again
You want the truth? We’re rule-followers. We want our photographers to be as safe and legally-protected as possible. So when our GDPR attorneys said, “Do it this way, ***or else,” we nodded and did it.
***Totally not a thing they ever said. They were super-nice and REALLY smart.
Additionally, the purpose of GDPR is to be totally transparent about:
- where personal identifying data is stored, and
- how it is used for EU citizens.
This means your clients have the right to know that ShootProof is the ultimate collector and processor of their data – in the same way that you might like to know who our Subprocessors are.
(We thought you’d never ask!)
Check out our list of Subprocessors HERE.
Never-Before-Seen Photo: ShootProof Payments In Action

GDPR: Get Down, Pretty Rabbit?
Lots of photographers have asked us:
“Now that my client has checked the ShootProof GDPR checkbox, can I send them all the emails I want?” – Lots of Photographers
No. That is not how any of this works.
You, the business owner, are still responsible for lawfully using the any personal data to which you have access. Our policies (and checkboxes) cover the way ShootProof uses your clients’ and customers’ data.
At the checkbox point, ShootProof collects personal information specifically to communicate about photos in galleries:
- viewing photos in galleries
- buying photos from galleries
- downloading photos from galleries
- sharing photos in galleries
- sales on photos in galleries
You get the drill.
If you use the personal data stored in your ShootProof studio panel to email folks about, say, your yard sale, or your pyramid scheme, or your Amazon wish list… well, at that point you’re using that data in a way ShootProof does not support or control. So do your research, talk to your own legal experts, and be a smart cookie.
Smart Cookie: It Has Fruit In It!

GDPR: Grapes Don’t Peel Right?
Togs In Business crafted a terrific article about GDPR for Photographers, and they talk specifically about one piece of really great news that will likely apply in a lot of photographer’s scenarios:
Legitimate Interests
“Legitimate Interests is likely to be most appropriate where you use people’s data in ways they would reasonably expect and which have a minimal privacy impact, or where there is a compelling justification for the processing.” – ICO: INFORMATION COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE
Still confused?
Download the ICO’s Legitimate Interests Assessment document HERE. This simple quiz will help you determine if you’re about to use someone’s data in a GOOD (legal) way, or a BAD (illegal) way.
GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation!

Rachel Brenke, The Law Tog, wrote an easy-to-read, concise article about GDPR and photographers. Our favorite tip is her last one:
“Finally, don’t panic – this is not a time for throwing up your hands and saying that it’s all too complicated. It is a good exercise to make sure you understand how data is flowing in and out of your business. Start there – and then take the rest step by step.” – RACHEL BRENKE, THE LAW TOG
Questions? Comments? Do you need a stiff drink?
Get in touch!