Jan 2021

We See You

10 min read

Wherever you are in your business journey, and whatever photography genre feels like home, we’re here for it. And so are a whole bunch of growing photographers just like you.

2020 Proved it: Photographers are Phenomenally Resilient

You didn’t get to here without a few bumps and bruises. Neither did we, if we’re being candid. That’s how we know what it took. And it’s why we think you’re such a big deal. Because the world may have stopped around you, but you didn’t quit telling its stories.


Here’s what you said you learned about creativity, connection, and keeping a roof over your head.

“This year allowed my family and I to slow down and spend more time together. I vowed to eliminate things and activities that weren’t serving us. We are more selective with what we will commit to now and are intentional with our time and activities.” —Amanda Bellan Photography

“I learned that people cherish their images even more, now, because the frailty of life has been made painfully obvious.” —Adventurous Soul Photo Co.

2020 Photographers are Resilient: a black and white photograph of a bride entering the church with her father, who wears a face mask.

Robert Pugh, RP Photography by Design

“I learned how to be flexible. If there are fewer weddings to shoot, then that income has to be made up in different areas. I shot a lot more lifestyle sessions this year and I really enjoyed them. The decision I made a few years ago not to niche down (I know this works well for others) allowed me to be able to shift my focus pretty easily.” —Damien Carter Photography

“I’m amazing at Nintendo Switch family games!” —Robert Pugh, RP Photography by Design

RP Photography by Design

“I prefer to spend hours photographing families in their homes, but I had to change course this year by offering only short sessions outside. I’ve actually loved it! While the sessions were not as authentic as shooting a day in the life, I was still able to capture real life in these short moments hiking with families, playing in the park, and hanging outside around their homes. I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to continue serving families while still being safe.” —Kaleen Enke

“In 2020 I learned that I’m not in nearly as much control of my life as I’d imagined; and surrendering my plans over to God and His plan is always the best idea because it leads me to be more restful, patient, grateful, and at peace!” —Kiyah Crittendon, Kiyah C. Photography

Kaleen Enke

“I learned that I am resilient as heck! This year has done everything it possibly could to kick me down and I’ve come out SO much stronger in so many ways!” —Megan Breukelman, Megan & Kenneth

ShootProof asks photographers,

“For me, 2020 has been all about the liminal space of sitting with it…sitting with all the unfolding unknowns—of the destruction of a virus, of our country facing our racism, of school on screens. It’s okay to just sit with it. I have learned to dial down my expectations and just ‘focus on what matters most.'” —Kaleen Enke

Black & Gold Photography

“I assumed that family photography would be something that people did not prioritize this year, with worries about the pandemic and income changes for everyone. I was surprised and pleased to find that families valued the experience more than ever, and I’ve seen lots of my clients return for shoots this year. If anything, it seems like family photos became even more important!” —Gemma Griffiths Photography

“I learned that my talents and abilities will make room for me. Also, always have a good contract in place.” —Kiyah Crittendon, Kiyah C. Photography

Kiyah C Photography

“I learned to focus on things I CAN DO versus the things I can’t do!” —Susan Marie Studio

“One thing we’ve learned about ourselves in 2020 is is how to manage our work time better with a newborn. Our first baby was born in March, and although business wasn’t as busy as usual this year, we still photographed 20 weddings in the pandemic and several engagement sessions—all while learning parenthood.” —Cheryl & Joel, Black & Gold Photography

Waite Creative Photo & Design

“People will ALWAYS want to get married. It may not always look like the vision of what weddings once were, but it turns out love doesn’t pause!” —Megan Breukelman, Megan & Kenneth

“Photography is important! It always will be such an important medium and industry, and what I bring to it is unique and special. I am going to continue to push what I have learned and grow my business in the coming year using the momentum and excitement I built in 2020.” —Anna Pearlman, Waite Creative Photo & Design

“One thing we’ve learned about our business in 2020 is that nothing is promised. Although you may think you have a set plan in place, it can turn around at any time.” —Cheryl & Joel, Black & Gold Photography

Damien Carter Photography

“In 2020, the importance of compassion and empathy has touched me in a very real way.” —Kristin Amy Photography

“That I can do this and I will do this. I’m a slow starter, but I keep moving forward, and 2020 was surprisingly my best business year!” —Photography By Keri Lynn

“Even with the pandemic, my business doubled. I did free front porch sessions with donations to benefit our local hunger center in the spring. And I really pushed myself to take on many new clients, while being careful not to overschedule and completely burn out. When you go out and give back to your community, great things can happen! —Amanda Bellan Photography

Left: Wilson Lau | Right: Damien Carter and client

“I learned that my schedule was overloaded and I needed to slow down.” —Lisa Brannen Photography

“When I put my mind to something, I can really make it happen.” —Susan Kruger Photography

“I’ve always known that I love the sea, but being in lockdown made me realise how important being by the coast is for my mental health. We spent weeks at home, doing walks around the village; and I realised how much I missed seeing the sea. Eventually, I cycled down to the beach on my own (a 12-mile round trip), just to get a glimpse of the water. I was so happy, I cried!” —Gemma Griffiths Photography

Kaleen Enke

“Senior sessions are my favorite, and I am growing my business mainly in that direction. In the spring this year during quarantine, I took that downtime to customize marketing tools for my business, and it paid off hugely when things opened up again!” —Susan Kruger Photography

“One thing that I learned…Well, I guess I knew, but it was confirmed, that I am able to adapt pretty easily. I don’t let things get me down for too long & I keep looking for the good!” —Photography By Keri Lynn

Gemma Griffiths Photography

“I learned that if my family unit is strong, we can weather the trials that come our way.” —Adventurous Soul Photo Co.

“I’m new in the photography business. This was essentially my first year. I really thought back in March, that’s it, I’m finished even before getting started. I almost gave up, but I decided to keep going. Now I’ve realized, if I can thrive and face this new challenge during a pandemic, then I have absolutely no reason to complain or give up later on. I’m stronger and more resilient and fearless moving forward!” —Small Moments Photography

Susan Kruger Photography

“I am resilient, and I am capable of schooling 3 kids from home, working full time, AND still rocking my photography business at the same time… anything is possible!” —Anna Pearlman, Waite Creative Photo & Design

“My biggest fear has always been losing my ‘village’ to help support me raising my children. Well, I lost that village, along with every spare moment of time to myself which I cherish, and I’m surviving! It’s not so scary, there are scary moments for sure as all moms know, but we breathe, we hide in the closet with chocolate and we face it all again.” —Small Moments Photography

Kaleen Enke

“I’ve learned that people value their families in photographs now more than ever. Heart drives this industry!” —Kristin Amy Photography

“I learned how resilient I am—and I learned this about my family and friends, as well. This totally unexpected pandemic threw us all for a loop, but you find a way to adjust and keep moving forward. I think this shows what you are made of since until it happens, you don’t know how you will respond. But I learned how to conduct my business with social distancing practices in place and still deliver for my clients.” —Damien Carter Photography

ShootProof asks photographers,

Video cover image by WAITE CREATIVE PHOTO & DESIGN

Keep Learning!


  • ShootProof

    Team ShootProof is a dedicated group of photographers and creatives who are passionate about empowering studios to win in their business. With a deep understanding of the industry, we’re committed to providing the tools, support, and inspiration photographers need to grow their businesses.